Case studies
Did a web site offer value for money?
Did a web site offer value for money?

Was £30,000 too much for a website of this size and complexity? Find out more...

Immigration scandal
Did an immigrant cheat to gain entry?

A scandal involving TOEIC tests results at language schools and people wanting to come to the UK. Find out more...

Was Web content copied to a competitor's Web site?
Was Web content copied to a competitor's Web site?

Were large portions of content just copied from one site to another? Find out more...

What was the value of a lorry load of hard disks?
What was the value of a lorry load of hard disks?

Stolen hard disks. Their evaluations differed. Who was right? Find out more...

Was a crucial photo genuine?
Was a crucial photo genuine?

Hidden information revealed the answer. Find out more...

Did a web site work as per the specification?
Did a web site work as per the specification?

Cost versus specification and expectation. Find out more...

Preserving regular copies of a 'protest' web site
Preserving regular copies of a "protest" web site

Did a protestor's website stay within the law? Find out more...

Trading Standards breached?
Trading Standards breached?

A large number of complaints about a template Web site? Find out more...